SoapBook welcomes you!

A big Welcome to SoapBook.

Our vision for SoapBook is simple.

An interactive book that is produced, soap-opera style, updated at least twice a day, by a team of writers and a narrator, for you the readers.

Make no mistake, this will be interactive. Polls, comments and suggestions will determine the way plot twists may go, new characters being added, and surprises abound!

Each month will start a new “chapter” of the book, and at the end of our first year, the book will be complete, and a new book will begin!

Our first entries will appear on October 2nd 2006.

You can subscribe to our daily email and never miss a thing!

It’s right under the Blogroll category on the right-hand side of this blog.
So please, bookmark our sites, add us to your feeds, recommend us to your friends, and get ready for an engaging, interactive experience!

In the meantime, why not leave a hello or comment in our message box?

We’d really love to hear from you.

But if you’re ready to see what we’re all about… you can take a sneak peek here.

7 Responses to SoapBook welcomes you!

  1. Danna says:

    Hey this looks really cool. I can’t wait to get started reading!

  2. clotho says:

    Thank you and welcome Danna!

  3. Jeannine says:

    Hey Clotho! Hope your newest project goes well!


  4. clotho says:

    Thank you and welcome Jeannine! 🙂

  5. Jenna says:

    Thanks for the invite 🙂 I’m looking forward to getting some juicy fun emails for a change *G*

  6. clotho says:

    We promise you more juice then Tropicana!

  7. Jenna says:

    woohooo well i cant wait 🙂

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